Package-level declarations


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class BezierEase(x1: Double, y1: Double, x2: Double, y2: Double) : Ease

Imagine a 2D bezier curve from 0,0 to 1,1 using the intermediate points x1,y1 and x2,y2.

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class Color(r: Float, g: Float, b: Float, o: Float)
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annotation class Custom(val about: String = "", val min: Double = java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, val max: Double = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, val slider: Boolean = false, val lines: Int = 1, val fontName: Boolean = false, val additional: Boolean = false)

Tag var fields of your Model, and they will appear in the customiser. This will let you (or others) create alternate versions of the model with customised parameters values.

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class Degrees

Trig functions, which take and return angles in degrees rather than radians.

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interface Ease

Takes a number in the range 0..1 and returns another in the same range

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object Eases
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class Log

Note, this is a fully static class, with @JvmStatic methods, so that Feather Scripts can use these methods.

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interface Logger
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class Matrix2d(val x1y1: Double = 1.0, val x2y1: Double = 0.0, val x3y1: Double = 0.0, val x1y2: Double = 0.0, val x2y2: Double = 1.0, val x3y2: Double = 0.0)

Note. if this only needed for affine transformations, then the bottom row can be hard coded to 0,0,1 This will simplify the maths.

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class Matrix3d(val x1y1: Double = 1.0, val x2y1: Double = 0.0, val x3y1: Double = 0.0, val x4y1: Double = 0.0, val x1y2: Double = 0.0, val x2y2: Double = 1.0, val x3y2: Double = 0.0, val x4y2: Double = 0.0, val x1y3: Double = 0.0, val x2y3: Double = 0.0, val x3y3: Double = 1.0, val x4y3: Double = 0.0)

Note. if this only needed for affine transformations, then the bottom row can be hard coded to 0,0,0,1 This will simplify the maths.

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class NoFacesException(val shape: Shape3d) : Exception

Most 3D shapes do not know their Shape3d.points nor Shape3d.faces, and throw this exception when either are accessed. Most 3D shapes rely on OpenSCAD's renderer.

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class NoPathsException(val shape: Shape2d) : Exception

Some 2d shapes, such as Union2d, Difference2d and Hull2d do not store the points which make up the shape. This exception is thrown when such a shape is used with a method that requires the point data.

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class Vector2(val x: Double, val y: Double)
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class Vector3(val x: Double, val y: Double, val z: Double)


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Are we running on a Windows operating system?

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fun <T> List<T>.barrelGet(index: Int): T
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fun bezierTo(a: Vector2, b: Vector2, c: Vector2, d: Vector2, sides: Int): List<Vector2>
fun bezierTo(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3, d: Vector3, sides: Int): List<Vector3>
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fun ellipticalArc(a: Vector2, b: Vector2, radius: Vector2, degrees: Double, largeArc: Boolean, sweep: Boolean): List<Vector2>

fun ellipticalArc(a: Vector2, b: Vector2, radius: Vector2, degrees: Double, largeArc: Boolean, sweep: Boolean, sides: Int?): List<Vector2>

Creates an elliptical arc from point a to point b whose radius is radius and whose x axis is rotated by degrees. See

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fun max2(points: List<Vector2>): Vector2
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fun max3(points: List<Vector3>): Vector3
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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.maxValue(selector: (T) -> Double): Double
inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.maxValue(default: R, selector: (T) -> R): R
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fun min2(points: List<Vector2>): Vector2
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fun min3(points: List<Vector3>): Vector3
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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.minValue(selector: (T) -> Double): Double
inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.minValue(default: R, selector: (T) -> R): R
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Redirects stdout and stderr to /dev/null or NUL (windows). This prevents the process from blocking if it spews output.

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fun resolution(path: Path2d, res: Double): Path2d
fun resolution(shape: Shape2d, res: Double): Polygon
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fun resolutionX(path: Path2d, res: Double): Path2d
fun resolutionX(shape: Shape2d, res: Double): Polygon
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fun resolutionY(path: Path2d, res: Double): Path2d
fun resolutionY(shape: Shape2d, res: Double): Polygon
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fun roundAllCorners(sourcePath: Path2d, radius: Double, sides: Int? = null): Path2d
fun roundAllCorners(shape: Shape2d, radius: Double, sides: Int? = null): Polygon
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fun roundCorner(shape: Shape2d, cornerIndex: Int, radius: Double, sides: Int? = null): Polygon
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fun roundCorners(shape: Shape2d, corners: List<Int>, radius: Double, sides: Int?): Polygon
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fun Shape2d.toJTSGeometry(): Geometry

Convert a FooCAD Shape2d into jts Geometry.

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fun Path2d.toJTSLineString(): LineString

Converts a FooCAD Path2d into a jts LineString. If the Path2d is closed, then use Path2d.toJTSPolygon instead.

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fun Shape2d.toJTSMultiLineString(): MultiLineString

This is here only for completeness, at time of writing, this wasn't being used.

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fun Path2d.toJTSPolygon(): Polygon

Convert a FooCAD Path2d into a jts Polygon. If the Path2d is not closed, then use Path2d.toJTSLineString instead.

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fun Geometry.toPath2d(): Path2d?

Converts jts Geometry to a FooCAD Path2d.

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fun Geometry.toPolygon(): Polygon

Convert jts Geometry into a FooCAD Shape2d (specifically, a Polygon).