
class Matrix2d(val x1y1: Double = 1.0, val x2y1: Double = 0.0, val x3y1: Double = 0.0, val x1y2: Double = 0.0, val x2y2: Double = 1.0, val x3y2: Double = 0.0)

Note. if this only needed for affine transformations, then the bottom row can be hard coded to 0,0,1 This will simplify the maths.


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constructor(x1y1: Double = 1.0, x2y1: Double = 0.0, x3y1: Double = 0.0, x1y2: Double = 0.0, x2y2: Double = 1.0, x3y2: Double = 0.0)


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object Companion


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val x1y1: Double = 1.0
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val x1y2: Double = 0.0
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val x2y1: Double = 0.0
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val x2y2: Double = 1.0
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val x3y1: Double = 0.0
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val x3y2: Double = 0.0


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A single reflection will cause points within a path to be ordered in the opposite direction (clockwise/anticlockwise). This can cause trouble, because the direction of the path determines if it is treated as a hole or a solid.

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operator fun times(o: Matrix2d): Matrix2d
operator fun times(vector: Vector2): Vector2

fun times(x: Double, y: Double): Vector2

This performs a 3x3 matrix times by a 1x3 matrix, adding an extra 1.0 for the z value of the 1x3 matrix.

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open override fun toString(): String