Package-level declarations


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interface Customisable

Models can have customisable data using the @Custom annotation on its vars. These can use simple types, such as int, double etc. But you may also create a type with one of more vars with a @Custom annotation. e.g.

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abstract class Lazy2d : Shape2d

Sometimes it is handy to have a class be a type of Shape2d, but we don't want the complexity of creating a primitive shape, and instead, we build the shape from other primitives.

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abstract class Lazy3d : Shape3d

Sometimes it is handy to have a class be a type of Shape3d, but we don't want the complexity of creating a primitive shape, and instead, we build the shape from other primitives.

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class Path2d(val points: List<Vector2>, val closed: Boolean)

A set of points most commonly used by Shape2d. When a Shape2d is rendered, the path is assumed to be closed, despite the closed boolean. Therefore, the closed property is only used for such things as extruding a profile along a path.

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class Path3d(val points: List<Vector3>, val closed: Boolean)

A list of 3D points (Vector3). This class was first created, so that ExtrusionBuilder could extrude along an arbitrary 3D path.

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object Quality
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data class QualityData(val minimumAngle: Double, val minimumSize: Double, val numberOfSides: Int)
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class ScadOutputConfig(val writer: PrintWriter, val preamble: PrintWriter)
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interface Shape

In FooCAD there are two kinds of Shape : a Shape2d or a Shape3d. The only things they have in common are defined here.

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interface Shape2d : Shape

The basis for all two-dimensional objects in FooCAD.

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interface Shape3d : Shape

The basis for all three-dimensional objects in FooCAD.


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