
class ScadOutputConfig(val writer: PrintWriter, val preamble: PrintWriter)


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constructor(writer: PrintWriter, preamble: PrintWriter)


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When a polyhedron or an extrusion do not have an explicit convexity, then this value is used.

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var indent: Int
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scad module definitions can be added at the top of the scad script, by writing here.

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The main output for the scad model


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fun defineModule(name: String)

Used by some extensions, which define a module name, which is reusable, and can be declared just once. e.g. the Layout extension.

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fun indent()
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Used by some extensions, which define a module name, which is reusable, and can be declared just once. e.g. the Layout extension.

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To ensure that generated OpenSCAD module names are unique, you may use this as a suffix. It is an integer, starting at 1, and increasing each time this is called.