
abstract class Control : Node


Glok doesn't have skins, so there's currently little point in having a Control class.

In JavaFX, Controls have 3 attributes which make them different from other nodes.

  • A Skin, which can be switched out for a different one.

  • Tooltips.

  • A context menu.

I'm not sure if changing skin is worth it. Lots of people style controls to make them look different, but I've never seen an alternate skin being used. I do like the very clear separation of the front-facing API within the Control and all the private bits in the Skin though.

The other two aren't a big deal, and in fact can be achieved without subclassing Control.

TODO So the question is, do I want Skins, and if not, is there a point in having a Control class? I'm not going to use it for now.


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