Package-level declarations
Ascii-art showing how the children are laid out :
Like a VBox or HBox, but the orientation can be changed from horizontal to vertical.
Button inherits all the features of ButtonBase.
The base class for Button, ToggleButton, RadioButton ...
Metadata for nodes added to a ButtonBar, which determines the order the nodes appear with the bar.
A CheckBox can have either two states : selected == true , selected == false. Or, if you set allowIndeterminate, then it can have three states :
A ChoiceBox, has a list of items (of type V), one of which can be selected. (selection is a SingleSelectionModel).
A Button for selecting a color. Clicking shows a ColorPickerDialog, which is a CustomColorPickerDialog, but you can choose a different implementation (such as PaletteColorPickerDialog) by changing dialogFactory.
Defines the position of the graphic in a Labelled.
A control that lets the user choose a color using sliders and/or spinners for each RGB channel and/or HSV values
Edits a DoubleProperty by moving a slider.
If you need a DoubleSpinner, which returns whole numbers (as Doubles)
Edits a DoubleProperty by typing digits into TextArea, via up/down buttons, up/down keys or by scrolling the mouse/trackpad.
File Open
, File Save
and Folder Picker
Edits a FloatProperty by typing digits into TextArea, via up/down buttons, up/down keys or by scrolling the mouse/trackpad.
If you need a FloatSpinner, which returns whole numbers (as Floats)
Lays out its children from left to right, then top to bottom, moving onto a new row when the previous row is full.
Lays out its children in a row, with the first child on the left, and the last child on the right.
Edits a FloatProperty by typing digits into TextArea, via up/down buttons, up/down keys or by scrolling the mouse/trackpad.
Edits a LongProperty by typing digits into TextArea, via up/down buttons, up/down keys or by scrolling the mouse/trackpad.
Identical to a ToolBar, but may be styled differently.
There is a very similar class-hierarchy of buttons. See ButtonBase.
Similar to TreeView, but this is better suited to trees, where each item in the tree structure contains different types of data.
A panel with a TreeView at the top, showing the hierarchical scene graph starting at rootNode. At the bottom is details of the currently selected TreeItem.
A control (not a dialog), for choosing a color from a palette.
Shows a set of colors in a grid. Click a color to select it (the dialog is closed).
The root node for a pop-up menu. The visible items for the pop-up menu are taken from Menu.items or SubMenu.items. A PopupMenu is displayed as a new scene in a new OverlayStage (StageType.POPUP), and is therefore NOT part of the scene graph of the Menu or SubMenu from which it originated.
Behaves like a ToggleButton, but also has a value associated with it.
Similar to a RadioButton, but instead of a ToggleGroup, it is backed by a property which decides which menu item is selected.
Behaves like a ToggleButton, but instead of a ToggleGroup it has a Property backing which button is selected.
Similar to a ToggleMenuItem, but instead of using a ToggleGroup, it uses a property to determine which item is selected.
A specialised form of ToggleButtonBase, which must belong to a ToggleGroup. Unlike a ToggleButton, when you press a selected RadioButton, it remains selected.
A horizontal or vertical ruler, often used at the top and left of a drawing (in a BorderPane).
A scrollable bar, with scroll buttons on the left and right (when horizontal) or at the top and bottom (when vertical).
Part of a ScrollPane, but can also be used as a stand-alone component.
Determines when scroll bars should appear in a ScrollPane.
A ButtonBase which can be selected, and when it is selected, it appears pressed.
A container with one child, determined by contentProperty.
An abstract implementation of TreeCell which has a single child node of type N. This takes care of layoutChildren, and nodePrefWidth and nodePrefHeight.
A rectangular (often square) area where a point can be chosen.
The base class for all sliders. Internally, the slider's value is held as a ratio (in the range 0..1).
Given an input, produces an output, which is snapped to key values, when the input is close to it. Used by [DouFloatSliders For example, suppose V is Int, and the values are a percentage. We could snap to 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100. If the threshold were 2, then inputs 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 would all return 25.
Determines the position of the up/down arrows in a SpinnerBase.
Displays a TextField where a value can by typed in, as well 'up' and 'down' buttons where the value can be adjusted stepwise. This base class doesn't define what stepwise
means. For example, IntSpinner has a IntSpinner.smallStep, therefore stepwise does not mean increment/decrement. The value of a spinner does not have to be Comparable, but is required for the subclass ComparableSpinner.
A Button split into two parts. The left part acts like a regular Button, the right part acts like a MenuButton, which display items in a PopupMenu when clicked.
A TextArea with the ability to style the text (in a limited way). This is designed as a code editor, where keywords, constants, Strings etc. can be displayed using different colors.
A multi-line text editor.
The base class for TextArea and StyledTextArea.
A single-line text editor. For multiple lines, use TextArea.
A ListCell which uses a Label to display the cell's value. This is the default type of ListCell, if ListView.cellFactory is unchanged.
Combines a title
, and content
. The title
is displayed above the content
The interface used by ToggleButton to allow it to be used as part of a ToggleGroup.
A button which has a boolean selected state. If a ToggleButton is part of a ToggleGroup, then selecting one button will de-select all others. If the same button is pressed again, then it is also de-selected (so no buttons in the ToggleGroup are selected). If you always want one button to be selected, then use RadioButton instead.
The base class for ToggleButton and RadioButton. The only difference between these two, is what happens when a selected menu item is clicked. A ToggleMenuItem becomes unselected, but a RadioMenuItem stays selected.
When a ToggleButton or RadioButton is added to a ToggleGroup
, then only one button in the group can be selected at a time.
The analogous button class is ToggleButton.
The base class for ToggleMenuItem and RadioMenuItem. The only difference between these two, is what happens when a selected menu item is clicked. A ToggleMenuItem becomes unselected, but a RadioMenuItem stays selected.
A horizontal or vertical bar, most often used to hold Buttons. Status Bars
(at the bottom of many application windows) also use ToolBar
Common code shared by TreeItem and MixedTreeItem
Displays a hierarchical list of TreeItems in a tree structure. Each TreeItem can be a leaf
, meaning it has no children. If it is not a leaf, then its children can be shown/hidden by either clicking on the "expand/contract" button (an arrow using Glok's default theme), or by double-clicking anywhere on the item.
Lays out its children in a column, with the first child at the top, and the last child at the bottom.
An easy way to build a control which has a single child.
Similar to WrappedNode, but extends Region, so we have the option of adding borders and padding.