
open class RadioButton(toggleGroup: ToggleGroup, text: String, graphic: Node? = null) : ToggleButtonBase

A specialised form of ToggleButtonBase, which must belong to a ToggleGroup. Unlike a ToggleButton, when you press a selected RadioButton, it remains selected.

This class is similar in design to JavaFX's RadioButton, and was one of the first Glok controls. I never use it. IMHO, the design is bad. PropertyRadioButton is better (which has no JavaFX equivalent). PropertyRadioButton doesn't use a ToggleGroup, and instead uses a Property to synchronise its state.

FYI, for the youngsters out there, RadioButton is named after clunky, old-fashioned radios, which had three buttons : LW (Long Wave), MW (Medium Wave) and FM (Frequency Modulated). There were no modern electronics. When you press a button, a physical mechanism released the previously selected button (usually with a loud mechanical click). As a young lad, I loved playing with these buttons, till one day, I managed to get all three buttons simultaneously depressed, and had to head sheepishly to my Dad, who, after berating me, took the radio apart, and released the buttons by levering them with a screwdriver. Decades later, we are stuck with this anachronism.

Theme DSL

RadioButton has no unique features, and inherits all the features of ToggleButtonBase.

See ButtonBase for a class diagram of Glok's button hierarchy.


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constructor(toggleGroup: ToggleGroup, text: String)
constructor(toggleGroup: ToggleGroup, text: String, graphic: Node? = null)