
abstract class WrappedNode<N : Node>(inner: N) : Node

An easy way to build a control which has a single child.

Many Glok controls are final, so you cannot extend them. This is deliberate for two reasons :

  1. Inheritance breaks encapsulation (google it!)

  2. An API which allow inheritance is fragile, and future versions are much more likely to break old code. (this may be saying the same thing twice).

So, for example, suppose you want a custom ToolBar. Instead of creating a subclass of ToolBar, extend WrappedNode, and make inner a ToolBar.

A WrappedNode has a single child : inner, which is a Node of type N.



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constructor(inner: N)


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open override val children: ObservableList<Node>

The base class Node has no children, so this is an empty list.


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open override fun nodeMaxHeight(): Float

The default implementation returns NO_MAXIMUM (an arbitrary large number : 100,000).

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open override fun nodeMaxWidth(): Float

The default implementation returns NO_MAXIMUM (an arbitrary large number : 100,000).

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open override fun nodeMinHeight(): Float

Each subclass of node can determine the minimum width it requires. This can be overridden on an ad-hoc basis using overrideMinHeight. The default implementation returns 0.

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open override fun nodeMinWidth(): Float

Each subclass of node can determine the minimum width it requires. This can be overridden on an ad-hoc basis using overrideMinWidth. The default implementation returns 0.

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open override fun nodePrefHeight(): Float

Each subclass of node can determine its preferred height. As most nodes are composed of smaller nodes, this is typically calculated using evalPrefWidth of the child nodes, with extra added for spacing, padding and borders.

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open override fun nodePrefWidth(): Float

Each subclass of node can determine its preferred width. As most nodes are composed of smaller nodes, this is typically calculated using evalPrefWidth of the child nodes, with extra added for spacing, padding and borders.