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Sow Indoors            
Sow Direct            
Year 2            

Height: 60cm. Position: Full Sun. Spacing: 5cm. Row Spacing: 30cm.

Type : Vegetable

Indoor Sowing

Sow thinly in trays of seed compost. Cover with 1.5cm of compost and firm gently. Keep moist. Cover tray with glass or polythene and keep at approx 15 C. Seedlings usually appear in 14-21 days.

Growing On

Remove cover when seedlings appear. When large enough, transplant 5cm apart in trays. Stand outside for a few days in late May (avoid frosts). When 12cm tall transplant into holes 5cm apart with 30cm between rows.

Outdoor Sowing

Sow thinly in a prepared seed bed in rows 20cm apart. Cover with 1.5cm of fine soil, and firm gently. Keep moist. When 12 cm tall, transplant to growing position into holes 15cm apart with 30cm between rows. Water, but do not firm plants in.


Earth up the plants in autumn to produce an extra long length of tender white stem. Harvest November to March.